Friday, November 20, 2015

Birthday freebies

I love free things! During your birthday there are so many restaurants and stores that will give you free things or give you so much off your purchase. Here are my favorite birthday freebies. 

I posted about this deal on IG, This is a full size bareMinerals brand lip gloss, it retails for $18 and is absolutely free if you have a rewards card at Ulta. 

This picture is from my e-mail, sorry. This is the birthday deal at Sephora, you can get these NARS mini lip pencils, or Peter Roth Thomas anti aging cleanser and cucumber mask. Both of these products are amazing, all you have to do is sign up for their rewards card; which is free and you get a free birthday gift every year. 

Did you know you can get a free Starbucks drink on your birthday? All you need is a free rewards card. 

There were 2 other deals I used on my birthday. If you have a Victoria Secrets angel card (which is not free, it is a credit card but totally worth it), you get a $10 gift card every year for your birthday. They also send you discounts all year. Sometimes I have used the $10 card to buy a lip gloss, and this would be free. This year I bought a bra because I had another $10 off a bra so a brand new body push up bra was $25 dollars which is a slammin' deal. 

If you look there are always restaurants that will give you either free appetizers on your birthday or give you a discount on your bill. This year these were my favorite deals. What are your favorite deals? 

30 and Thoughtless

Two days ago I turned 30. I never thought it was a big deal until like 6 months ago and then the closer it got the more it freaked me out, plus I started seeing wrinkles about the same time. 30 is not old by any means, but it is a weird age. I thought by now I would have my life figured out, we would be in our final home, I would be working less, and I would have like 3 or 4 kids. Hahaha, I guess you just have to laugh at all that. Life goes the way it goes, it is always different than you think. Not that it's bad different, just different.  

Here are 30 things that I have learned in my 20's 
  • Nothing is like it seems. When I was in my early twenties Facebook became popular. At first it was just so people could post cute pictures of their babies and dogs, now it is so you can post your personal feelings, your political views and so you and your family can look perfect. Now we have instagram, snapchat, twitter, periscope and whatever else. Things are not always as they seem, everyone is going through something and no one has a perfect life. True happiness comes when you don't worry about others, and your not living through someone else. 
  • Everyone is dong the best that they can. I feel like everyone is out to do their best. No one intentionally wants hurts someone else (maybe some people but I would hope not very many). 
  • Trying to please everyone is just not worth it. For a long time I would go to every event, and every invite. I started getting really busy with work, picked up a second job, losing sleep and losing family time. I decided then that it was not worth pleasing everyone. The only thing that matters is yourself and your family. I mean yeah, everyone wants friends and friends are important but your life needs to come first, and you don't need to give people excuses. 
  • Just do your job and go home. Working as a nurse sometimes is pretty difficult, you get attached to patients lives and stories, you listen to other nurses terrible stories about their life, sometimes you are getting yelled at by patients and doctors and you get involved in a lot of drama. 12 hours is a long time, but it is only 12 hours. I try to not get so emotionally attached to too many things. I can be there and listen but I try not to take the baggage home. 
  • Practice really does make perfect. The only way you can get good at something is to do it over and over. This goes for Hobbies and even exercise. Doing something only once you don't really see a lot of results, but once you practice things start to come together.
  • Exercise really is worth it. About a year ago I did a bootcamp for 6 weeks. It was difficult but I felt so good and alive afterwards. I had lost a total of 7 pounds and 11 inches. It was amazing, I learned so much about nutrition, and myself it was very worth it. Exercise is good for your heart, lungs, mind and so many other things in your life. It can make you feel powerful and defeated all in one session. When you stop you get tired, more irritable and you sleep worse. Exercise is awesome!!
  • Having a clean house is not the most important thing in life. No one wants to live in a pig pen, but your house doesn't have to be spotless. Okay lets be realistic, my house has never been spotless, but some days I would get my exercise in, run errands, go to the park, make dinner and then feel so guilty that my house wasn't clean. 
  • Eating at home is healthier, cheaper and it makes eating out much more exciting when you get to go out. I swear I go through phases where we eat out all the time and then don't for a while. My body, mind, and wallet feel so much better when we don't eat out. 
  • Vacations are awesome and you should travel more. I have had some of the most amazing experiences traveling. I have met so many people, and seen so many things and it never gets boring. Trying new food, feeling awkward, doing stupid things, and stepping out of your comfort zone makes you grow so much. Spending money on a vacation is much better than a new shirt any day. 
  • Time is better than money. We are not rich by any means, some months we just get by paying our bills, but time is way better than money. My husband loves his job, but before he switched jobs he was a teacher. He was making 35,000 a year, but had weekends, holidays, and summers off and he was so much happier. Time is so much better than money. Spending time with people you love is much better than money. Hopefully one day we will have more time together, until then we cherish the time we have. 
  • Living by family is amazing and never take it for granted. We lived by family our whole lives, it was annoying sometimes and of course in every family there is drama, but having help and someone to call is priceless. Now we live in a new city with very few family around and it is difficult. It is so difficult to trust others with your kid, plus babysitters are like $8-$15 an hour which is ridiculous.  
  • Don't listen to what people say. I figured this out while I was pregnant. Everyone has an opinion about everything. People want to tell you what worked for them, what didn't work for them, what is wrong and what is right. You start getting overwhelmed with information and then you have no idea what to do. Go with your gut, don't listen to what everyone says. Listen to the advice, take it into consideration but don't take it all to heart. 
  • Communicate with your spouse. Never assume they know what you are talking about or they know what you want. No one can read minds, just say how you feel and what you want. 
  • Stay calm. It is so difficult for me to do this. I am not good at staying calm, really in any situation. I freak out, jump to conclusions and worry about everything. It doesn't change anything, so stay calm. 
  • Take time for yourself. I am still not very good at this. About once a year, I take my whole birthday week and do what I want. It is important that for at least 10 min a day you are doing something for yourself. I don't mean watching a show or even taking a nap. Those are all good things and help you relax, but that isn't really something for you. Meditate, exercise, sit in silence, get to know yourself. 
  • It is okay to ask for help. Life is hard, don't get filled with pride and think you have to do everything perfect, and do everything yourself. Ask for help, you will be surprised how many people are willing to help. 
  • Go outside. You will learn things about yourself and feel closer to God. Sometimes all you need is a little quiet time and a little sunshine. Vitamin D heals. 
  • Don't worry so much. Worrying about the outcome of something or the future of something doesn't change anything. 
  • Someone always has it worse than you. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life gets in the way of things, but remember there is always someone that is worse off than you. 
  • There is always something to be grateful for. Always. Life sucks sometimes but focus on the positive and the things that make you happy. 
  • Your attitude and thoughts determine your happiness and outcome of the situation. Being happy and positive are not really my thing; I am sarcastic and I am a realist, but the more I notice, as long as I train my self thought and stay positive I am much happier and my outcomes are much better. 
  • Sometimes you just need a nap. Life is hard, busy and stressful. Sometimes you just need a nap and that is okay giving yourself a power nap (or a three hour nap) is sometimes just what you need to jump start the day. 
  • Everyone is in a different place in their life. Everyone's journey is different. Just because some 30 year olds are building their dream home, going on vacations or are millionaires, who cares. If everyone was in the same place in life, life would be boring. We are all on our own journey, enjoy it!
  • Family is everything. Don't lose these relationships, they are ones who truly care about you and your situation. They listen, don't judge and will do anything for you. Help them, and they will help you.
  • Being comfortable is much better than being in "style" Man, I know I sound like an old lady, but it's true. I was told my someone the other day that they saw a girl who looked like a tachy teenage mom trying to control her littles. It Turns out she was an older mom that was also a pretty wealthy lady that was just trying too hard to "fit in" with her style. Sometimes it is just better to be comfortable. 
  • It is better to confront a situation head on. Whether this is a problem with work, or a friend it is not good to keep things on your mind for a long time, this will cause wedges that may not be there, and cause unneeded stress  John Green said "Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are." Talk to people, communication is key. 
  • I am not perfect, I have a lot to work on and I am continually writing goals that I would like to be completed. I work hard, and I try to be the best I can be. I say it how it is and sometimes offend others, I am an open book and you can ask me any question and I will answer honestly. 
  • My belief system is what gives me courage, makes me feel needed, worth it and loved. God knows all his children, he cares for us, he knows us. Jesus has endured all of our pains, he knows what we are going through and when we feel alone, he is with us. He never leaves us, we leave him. 
  • Pink is still my favorite color, I will always like pizza and I love wearing jammies. These things will never change, and it is good to have something in your life that is steady. Even if it is your favorite color and favorite food. 
  • Having kids is worth it!! I told someone once that if I knew how much work kids were, I wasn't sure if I would do it again. But I will, and I would over and over again. I love my baby!!  
I hope through my 30's I can be more confident, travel more, laugh more, and just be myself. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mommy woes

Lets talk about those days that you want to rip your hair out, get in your pajamas and cry on your bed. Some days like today I had wished that I wasn't a mommy at all and that I was traveling the world. This morning when I got up O yelled at me because he wanted me to stay in bed for whatever reason, he ran down stairs and started yelling, "GET DOWN HERE!! PLAY WITH ME!!" I told him that we had to go visiting teaching and he needed to get dressed and I wasn't coming down until he came up and got dressed. I assured him that If we had time I would play with him. Of course this went on for about 20 min along with me chasing him around the house trying to get his clothes on and dodging hits trying to get him dressed. I sat down afterwards to write down a quote and cut it out. I got up to find a marker and when I turned around the scissors were missing. O was hiding on the other side of the kitchen island and I said "Bring back those scissors!" When he came around the corner his new shirt that I just took the tags off was all cut up. He knew he was in trouble, I waved a tired finger at him and told him that this was not okay and he said "I told you, I didn't want a shirt!"  I told him once again that this was not okay and sat him in time out. This was just the beginning of my day. 

Maybe 2 hours later we went to pick up lunch for my honey and as soon as we walked in he started wandering the place, not wanting to stand next to me he started screaming, "I can't and I won't, I not want too!!" "I said no lunch!!" I told him all the reasons why he needed to stay with me and to not touch this and that and tried giving him something to re-direct the current fight. He was fine while we waited and then when we got our food we headed out to the car. I opened to door and he took off; running as fast as he could through a very crowded parking lot, and I flipped. In my mind I could see him getting hit by a car and I was terrified.I started screaming "O STOP!! PLEASE COME BACK!!" The whole time he would continue to look back at me and smile. By the time I got to him he was almost to the street and I grabbed the collar on his shirt because that is what I could reach and yanked him to a sitting position. Of course everyone that was around was starring at me and I am sure they were all thinking "This lady can't even control her child" or "Can you believe she just pulled her sons collar and spanked him?" I made him sit with his back to the wall and we had a "talk" about why this was not okay, why I was scared and that he could have been hurt. 

We got in car and we had a talk about how if he wasn't nice that he is going to have a hard time making friends and if he wasn't going to be good and listen maybe we would need to find him another family. Of course this second part was all bull and I would never, ever take him to another family. I was a very stubborn child myself, and my parents used reverse psychology on me a lot and I felt like it worked. In my sons case, obviously it doesn't work, I feel so far it never has. He said to me that he was okay with that and he wanted another mom. He then also let me know how much he loves his dad. 

So anyway the rest of the day continued to be a happy time full of rainbows and sunshine. Days like this suck!! Honestly I can think of so many things that would make days like this better, and even at one point I thought to myself, "I am glad I work tonight." I know, I am a bad mom right?? Wrong. I am a great mom!! I love my son more than anything, I would do anything for him. I feed him and take care of him, I play with him, sing to him, read to him, listen to him and tease him. I do my best and that is all I can do. I feel too many times we are hard on ourselves for no reason. Being a mom is hard and that is okay. We all need breaks and we all have days that are hard. It's days like this that we wish we weren't moms, or wish we were somewhere else doing something else, but this is what we chose; and we choose it day after day. I will choose this over and over again. I love being a mom, it is the greatest most difficult calling I have ever taken on. Cystic Fibrosis, infertility, losing a son, and miscarriage are all hard things, but being a mom is harder, and I can do it, and so can you! It is so worth it!!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Sweat Test

Last Friday was the start of all my tests, since my cystic fibrosis diagnosis back in August. My genetic markers are a little different than most. Delta F508 (which is the most common cystic fibrosis marker), and 3737c>t. There are currently only 2 other people in the world diagnosed with this particular marker. My doctor wanted me to get a bunch of tests completed before she decides how to treat me. So far I have completed a sputum culture (which came up part positive for micro bacterium) and a sweat test. Over the next two weeks I will be getting a glucose tolerance test, routine blood labs, a stool sample, and CT of the chest. 

What is a sweat test? 

A sweat test measures the amount of sodium chloride that is excreted in the sweat. Sodium chloride is elevated in patients with cystic fibrosis.

What is a sweat test used for?

A sweat test is used to help diagnose cystic fibrosis especially if the genetic markers are unknown. It is the standard test on how to diagnose cystic fibrosis. It can be tested on anyone with symptoms of cystic fibrosis, but most of the time it is done on infants with a positive newborn screen. 

How to prepare?

I was told to drink a lot of water or juice the day before the test. You don't want to drink anything that has a lot of sodium (Gatorade or soda) because they will be testing for sodium in the sweat. This is not a fasting test, so you can schedule it anytime during the day. 

I was a little nervous about the test, because I had no idea what to expect. The testing took about an hour total. First they clean two areas on your arm, and strap these gel like pieces to each place. They leave them on for about 10 min, and then wipe the area clean once they come off. They then strap a collection tubing (the blue dye is to mark how much sweat is collecting in the tubes) in the same place and leave them strapped to your arm for about 15 min. Afterwards they pull out the tubing and drains the sweat into two tiny tubes. The equipment looks much scarier than it actually is. During the test there is some burning but it is not painful. It did burn my skin a little but after a few hours the marks were gone.  

The most difficult thing about getting tests and going to doctors appointments is the time that it takes out of your day. This particular test only took about an hour, but combined with registration and driving the total time was about 2.5 hours. I know this is just the start of testing, and doctors appointments so I need to find the positives and look forward to learning more about the disease and the tests that come along with it. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What's in my bag?

One of my favorite articles in magazines is when celebrities have a "what's in my bag" feature. I am no celebrity, but I love to see what people keep in their bags. Growing up I loved pulling everything out of my moms purse. It was kind of like a mystery bag (which I also loved to buy at the toy store). There is usually nothing fancy in my bag, and mostly mom stuff. Here is what I keep in my bag.

Bag: I switch bags constantly, not because I am super stylish but because they get worn out, once I use them I normally throw them away. My hubby bought me this bag and I love it. Its Ogio brand. The color is perfect for fall, and it's super light. It has tons of pockets, and the perfect bag for someone on the run. Now lets talk about what I keep on the inside
  • Snacks: Of course this is my number one on my list. Although you may think these treats are for my 3 year old son, they are not... I love to eat and I always have to have a snack. This treat is not a healthy one but good to keep your blood sugar up in a rush. I work night shift and I always needs treats to keep me going. Plus who doesn't love gummy bears?
  • Lip gloss: I love lip gloss, it's my fav. I love trying new colors and flavors but always come back to my favorites. Juicy tube, and Victoria Secret brands are my fav and anything pink. 
  • Concealer and mascara: I currently have Maybelline's pumped up mascara, it is cheap and makes my eye lashes full. Because of my wicked allergies, and probably working nights I have wicked under eye bags, I use L'Oreal's magic lumi stick, to cover them up. 
  • Ibuprofen: I get a few different kind of headaches; tension (from my tmj), sinus (from my cf) and sleep headaches from lack of sleep. I am also constantly clearing my throat which also gives me headaches quite often, I try not to take anything but sometimes they get so bad I have to take something. 
  • Pens and sticky notes
  • Wallet: I currently bought this one at Target, I love how big it is and it can fit all of my millions of cards in it.
  • Hand cream: I love all the yummy smelly ones but they just don't help my nurse hands. I love Gold Bonds Intensive healing hand cream. It smells fresh, is not sticky and soaks right in.
  • Calms Forte: My child is a crazy and sometimes gets out of control. I use Hyland's homeopathic dissolving tablets. These are perfect for temporarily relieving the symptoms of restlessness and causeless crying. Love them! 
  • Sunnies: I have about 4 pairs of sunglasses, because I lose them all the time. I never buy expensive ones and buy them at TJ Maxx, right now my favs are my heart Neffs and a pair of Betsey Johnsons. 

  • Coupons: I usually have a million coupons in my bag, but I cleaned them out. Currently I have the two newest Victoria Secret coupons. I love my Angel card, it saves me so much money!
  • Kids activities: These are a must for appointments and trips to the grocery store. Right now I have stickers and bubbles.
Well that was fun!! I hope you got some ideas of things to add to your purse. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Overcoming anxiety

Believe it or not I am a pessimist (I like to call myself a realist), it is difficult for me to think of the positives, because I worry a lot (probably more than your average person). I have struggled with anxiety for years. During college it was probably the worst it ever has been. I seriously struggled with testing anxiety, and ended up on a few medications to control my anxiety. I worry about what people think of me, the future, and my child constantly. Of course I know that worrying doesn't get me anywhere and it doesn't change the situation that I am in, but it is difficult finding ways to stop yourself from worrying. 

These are some ways that have helped me stop the anxiety and focus on the positives.
  • Exercise: Seriously it sounds very cliche but for the last 16 weeks, I have exercised at least 4 times a week. I have seen a huge improvement in my worrying and anxiety. I admit I don't LOVE working out, but I do it for my lungs, and my brain. For the last 16 weeks I have done Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. I have not what so ever changed my diet, which I know is like bad, but I am working on it. :) 
  • Writing: writing a blog has helped me a ton, I'm not saying "hey stop everything and go start a blog." I do however think writing in a journal helps, and even better a gratitude journal. They have some awesome gratitude journals out there. They have some that give you a subject to write about and others that are just lined like journals. 
  • Surround yourself with positive people: There have been times in my life that I didn't realize people were bringing me down. Once I left those toxic relationships or stopped being around them so often, I felt a weight off my shoulders. It is not worth trying to please people that are not "your" people. 
  •    Meditate: I am an avid believer in meditation. Sitting alone in silence has always been awkward to me. I don't like being alone for a number of reasons. In a sense, I am uncomfortable with myself. I have too many thoughts and sometimes I want my brain to stop for a second. Sitting in silence for even 2 minutes is amazing. The goal of meditation for me is to think of nothing. The best way for me to do that is focus completely on my breathing. Sometimes I even say to myself as I breathe "breathe in, breathe out." 
  • Positive affirmations: I use these a little different than other people. I say them in my head as I meditate, and this focus helps me to more positive, not right away but afterwards I feel calm and more positive. Lately I have been saying "I'm healthy, I'm happy and I can breathe." 
Lately feeling positive has been difficult for me. I have been working way more than I want, I got a really bad sinus infection that has taken me weeks to heal, my house is a wreck, I have been giving my son too many sweets (aka feeling like a bad mom), I have so many appointments and don't have enough sitters, I haven't worked out for almost 2 weeks...the list can go on and on. 

As I sat in church today I was reminded of all the things that I should be grateful for, and the things that will help me overcome my trials, my attitude, and my negative thoughts. I will still have difficult days, and believe me they come way more often than I would like. All I can do is "Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in your heart." --President Gordon B. Hinckley