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Embryo transfer
We pushed back our transfer day twice. We were originally going to do it in July, and ran out of money, we then changed it to September but decided to do October because they were doing a transfer in St. George that month. The transfer went very smoothly, and up until this point I was just trying to exercise and stay healthy. Our transfer date was Friday, October 28. We were both so excited and nervous. The morning of you get ready in comfy clothes; I suggest leggings, a robe and no smelly stuff. I used every trick in the book to "help the baby implant"
-wearing socks so your feet stay warm
-keeping your belly warm before transfer, but not afterwards
-eating pineapple core and walnuts
With our fertility clinic they also require 3 princess days which means the only activities you can do are make a sandwich and take a shower. I tried to drink lots of fluids and tried to keep my mind occupied because this wait is difficult. After the day of transfer you wait 10 days for a pregnancy test. This also is a hard wait, because you take every little feeling as a "sign" Some people spot after the transfer and some cramp. I had cramping and Joanna had a little spotting. Most of this is all normal, everyone's body is so different. Joanna and I were both very lucky we both got pregnant and they implanted one in each of us. The day of transfer you are considered 2.5 weeks pregnant. The day of the pregnancy test you are 4 weeks and then they do another quantitative HCG level to make sure your numbers are rising. I bled/spotted from 4.1weeks until close to 7 weeks. We were in such shock because at 5.5 weeks we found out that our embryo I was carrying had slit and they both had heart-rates that sounded great and strong. At 7 weeks we had our first ultrasound with our IVF clinic and baby A no longer had a heart beat. I was very sad, nervous and feel very grateful that I carried that little one for such a short time. We are now 8 weeks along. I have my first OB appointment Tuesday night and will be watched very closely by my OB, HR OB and CF clinic. Currently I am continuously nauseated but notice that if I drink a gallon of water a day, it goes down significantly. I also do not sleep well at night, because I am already uncomfortable. I know there is more to come, I am so happy with how far we have come and I just pray constantly for our 2 babies and Joanna that everything will work out.

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